What We Do

Health Activities

We provide comprehensive primary health care, which includes essential services related to maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH) as well as sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. This support is particularly focused on internally displaced persons (IDPs), women, girls, and all individuals who have been adversely affected by conflict.

Primary Healthcare

Provide essential emergency medical services to vulnerable communities that are in urgent need of immediate assistance, ensuring that those affected by conflict and crises receive the critical care and support necessary for their survival and recovery.

Health Education

Emergency Medical care

Chindwin Medical and Humanitarian Network offers comprehensive rehabilitation services to support individuals with disabilities, empowering them to regain their independence and actively participate in their communities.

Rehabilitation service

We are dedicated to providing comprehensive health education services to the community, ensuring that individuals are well-informed about important health-related topics that can improve their overall well-being and quality of life.

Humanitarian Activities

Provide essential Food Security and Nutrition to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and host communities affected by conflict, ensuring they have access to sufficient food.

Food Security and Nutrition

Provide essential shelter and non-food items for internally displaced persons (IDPs) to ensure their safety and well-being during these challenging times. These provisions are critical in addressing their basic needs and enhancing their living conditions, ultimately contributing to their recovery and stability.

Provide awareness education session for Mine Risk Education (MRE), Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Community preparedness for conflicts training. The awareness sessions aim to build the resilience of the community and reduce vulnerability.

Community Resilience Building

Shelter, Settlement and NFIs

Provide essential Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) services to internally displaced persons (IDPs), local host communities, and facilities in the region. This initiative aims to ensure access to safe drinking water, proper sanitation practices, and effective hygiene promotion activities to enhance overall health and well-being.


Provide cash assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and those who have lost their homes. This support aim to meet urgent needs, allowing families to buy essentials like food, shelter, and healthcare. By giving them financial resources, we help them rebuild their lives and strengthen their communities. This strategy reduces immediate struggles and encourages lasting recovery and stability for those affected by conflict and displacement.

Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA)

Education Activities

Education in emergencies is a critical component of humanitarian response efforts that seeks to ensure that children and young people affected by crises continue to receive valuable learning opportunities. In conflict-affected areas, education not only provides essential academic knowledge but also serves as a vital space for children to experience a sense of normalcy amid chaos. By prioritizing access to education during emergencies, we can help build resilience in communities, empower youth, and foster long-term recovery and development while addressing the psychological and emotional needs of affected individuals.

Education in Emergencies (EiE)